welcome, mama

—a breastfeeding network that feels like home.

helping you grow with

the flow of motherhood—

beginning with

lactation support.

my motto: 

“your baby, boobs, and hands are your best tools” —and they are free.

i encourage you to ask WHY; to get to the root cause of your issues, THEN progress forward. i will never recommend the quick fix, fads, or nursing props. i will be honest, but you will be fully informed with evidence based research. as individuals, no two lactation journeys are the same. that is why i’m here— to formulate a specialized + specific care plan for you and your babe; insuring that you are supported and advocated for. every woman deserves access to lactation education. i deeply believe in the power of postpartum support. let me guide your success.

“blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed.”

— Luke 11:27

nourished beginnings

our breastfeeding course:

ancestral wisdom for the modern breastfeeding mom

learn about grow with the flow +

my services + packages